domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Cloning Essay

We live in an era of constant advance of technology. Biotechnology has advanced a lot in the few years it had been considered as an important science for human knowledge. Cloning is one of its more polemic themes. Since the birth of the cloned sheep “Dolly”, the cloning of humans has been a recurrent theme in the discussions of scientists and specialists in bioethics. In this essay I will make clear why I think cloning will only bring bad things to our society.

I think that cloning humans will have very negative effects in our society. First I think that the damages and complications in the process can make a clone a kind of monster, with special biological features that will make them die eventually or have physical or mental incapacities. Several abnormalities can be produced in the process of cloning, and thinking that the process used for the cloning of the sheep “Dolly” had just one success after trying 277 times. This makes me thing that cloning a human will need time and more failures before success, which could result in abnormal mutations and monstrous conditions.

If in a future cloning is a reality, I think that the psychological damages for the clones will be enormous. First, the human being had always characterized itself by the necessity of power over someone. When someone knows about the weakness of another, tries to take advantage of it. For obvious reasons the clones will never be accepted like humans. This will make serious complications in the psychics of the clones, feeling submitted and humiliated. This will cause anger and sadness in these “things”.

Finally and most important, is the social impact. Clones will never be accepted equally as humans. Another important theme to determine is that if cloning becomes fundamental on the future, people with money can clone themselves as they want. Cloning can become an economic aspect. In conclusion, I think that the respect for human life will decrease. Cloning will allow us to see human beings as replaceable. The superiority will be now decided by the genetic condition of the people. Injustice will control us even more than now. A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts”.


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